Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Discovering First Person
More Accidental Photography
Monday, November 29, 2010
What a week!
Besides making it to the club the weekend before last, we finally held our first big party at our new place; the long awaited "Jaime's 30th". It was a great turn out and everyone seemed to have fun, but alas I failed by eating nothing before the party, drinking a few cocktails a little too quickly and then spending the later parts of the evening on the bathroom floor of our ensuite (thank god we have two bathrooms in our new apartment). The next day I spent dying a thousand deaths and swearing off alcohol forever.
I have managed to get in a few hours of work in here and there, but no where as many as I mean too. I am hoping for a big push in hours next month, but who am I kidding, it's Christmas.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Holly's Accidental Photography
Thursday, November 18, 2010
And...we're back
So it turns out that in order to be a writer all you have to do is put letters on paper (or screen) in an order that pleases people. Having neglected this blog for too long, I have decided to resurrect it just at a time when I should be doing something else. I have recently begun a Certificate of Technical Writing at BCIT, in an attempt to carve out a career for this post-archaeology me. I have homework to do! The old me would have used her stock-standard procrastination tool of solitair, tetris or bejewelled. But the new me will waste time by using my writing skills to create prose that will earn me no money, gain me no grades and generally be read by no one.
I used to have a blog call Shanathalas, which was pretty much my musings and a place for me to broadcast the amusing things I found on the internet. But now we have facebook, and twitter...and stumbleupon and last.fm..whatever the hell that is. So I started another blog about life as a parent and pretty much what the three of us are up these days. And I was pretty lame at keeping up at that. So in the spirit of renewal I hereby rename this blog "Noisy Penguins" in honour of Holly's regular and insistent request to see this video.
Now I know, blogs aren't cool anymore. Generally words aren't hip unless they utilize less than four letters, 50% of which must be "fail", "win" or "bieber". But I need to get into a habit of writing on a regular basis, and as I gave up my Nanowrimo attempt on November 2nd having written exactly zero words of my magnum opus, a blog is probably just my pace.
So in summation (see that? technical writing :) my blog will have updates on the family, recipes, general musings, and more crap I find on the internet. And there may be some fail and win and cute kitties.