Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Post!

It's funny, but when I imagined maternity leave I envisioned all this time I'll have to get stuff done between taking care of baby. How wrong I was! I love little Holly and spending time with her, but I now realise how difficult it is to do even basic things while holding a baby most of the time. My to do list now has to include things like shower, eat, pee! So unfortunately blogging inevitably gets pushed to the bottom of that list.

But now that I am starting to get more comfortable with the whole mothering thing I have a few moments to sit down and type (with one hand while the other cradles a squirmy baby) an update.

So after six weeks into life outside my tummy, Holly is doing very well. One recent change includes better eye focusing, meaning Holly now stares right down into your very soul when she looks at you. Her eyes have lightened to a slate grey-blue. While she initially had quite a head of sandy blond hair, much has fallen out and now she looks like a little bald baby with a golden halo. Most importantly is the weight she's put on. Born at five pounds 13 ounces (2.6 kilos) and mildly jaundiced, the doctors focused on the need for her to gain weight as quickly as possible. And she's done that in spades. Now Holly weighs in at eight pounds 9 ounces (3.8 kilos). No longer scrawny, Holly's the very picture of the chubby little baby, with a little double chin to boot.

The sounds and faces she makes are hysterical. We are never long between laughs what with all her gurgles, coos, and squeaks. Being a parent is even more amazing than I thought it would be.


  1. gurgles! coos! AND squeaks!

    I can haz baby? lol

  2. You know, Holly was just an ounce smaller than I was when I was born, yet she didn't look like a red alien baby, like I did. Good job Holly!
